10 Home Exercises to Increase Weight, 10 Weight Gain Exercises You Can Try At Home


How Exercise Helps To Gain Weight?

It is important to note why you gain weight because of exercising. Exercising is commonly known to help burn fat but exercising also leads to an increase in your muscle size. The larger muscles are more prone to the same. This is a good form of weight gain. Regularly exercising will ensure weight gain and lead you to your desired healthy body weight. In the following section, we will be looking at the workout for men and the exercises to lose weight for females at home

10 Weight Gain Exercises You Can Try At Home

Let us now look at the weight gain exercise routine that you must follow and that you can easily do at home. 

S. No.Exercise For Weight GainHow It Helps
1Push-upsTargets abdominals, shoulders, chest muscles, triceps and wing muscles.
2Pull-upsPrimarily focus on biceps and latissimus dorsi.
3SquatsHelp build muscles around the leg and hip region.
4CrunchesTarget abdominal muscles and obliques.
5LungesTarget abdominal muscles, hamstrings, gluteal muscles, calves and back muscles.
6Bench DipsFocus on triceps, chest muscles and front shoulders.
7Glute KickbackStrengthens the buttocks and the hamstrings.
8BurpeesGreat full body workout. Target arms, chest, abs, glutes, quads and hamstrings.
9DeadliftIncreases overall muscle mass. Strengthens upper and lower back.
10Bench PressBuilds shoulders, triceps and chest muscles.

1. Push-ups

  • About: Push-ups are known for building upper body and core strength. These are a little difficult but highly effective for weight gain.


  • How To Do It:
    -Get on the floor and lie down with your face towards the floor
    -Position your hands on the floor wider than your shoulders.
    -Push yourself towards the floor, extending your arms fully.
    -Slowly bring your body closer to the floor and stop when your chest touches the floor.
    -Get back to your initial position.

  • Things To Keep In Mind:
    -Do not try if you have any shoulder injuries.
    -Keep your core tight and butt clenched while doing this exercise.

2. Pull-ups

  • About: another effective weight gain exercise is a good set of pull-ups. This exercise is effective for getting ripped arms and chiselled shoulders.
  • How To Do It:
    -Grip the pull-up bar with your palms.
    -Pull yourself up and reach a point where your chin is above the bar.
    -Slowly lower down your body such that your arms are fully extended.

  • Things To Keep In Mind:
    -You will need a pull-up bar for this exercise.
    -Focus on building strength and not speed.

3. Squats

  • About: if you are looking for the best weight gain exercise, this is the one for you. Squats are highly beneficial for your lower body muscle strength.  

  • How To Do It:
    -Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
    -Push your hips down in an action similar to sitting on a chair.
    -Reach as far below as you can.
    -Return to the initial position.

  • Things To Keep In Mind:
    -Keep your back straight while doing squats.
    -Do not bend your knees.

4. Crunches

  • About: when working out, one of your goals must be to strengthen your muscles. Crunches are a good way of strengthening your core as well as gaining weight.

  • How To Do It:
    -Lie down on the floor on your back.
    -Take your hands across behind your head and bend your knees.
    -Contract your abs as you inhale and exhale as you lift your body.
    -Inhale returning to your initial position.

  • Things To Keep In Mind:
    -Do not make any jerking movements.
    -Keep your neck and head relaxed.

5. Lunges

  • About: if you are looking forward to gaining weight, then lunges will be highly beneficial for you in bulking up your thighs and hip muscles.

  • How To Do It:
    -Stand straight.
    -Step forward with and lower your body till the point your leg makes a 90 degrees angle and your thigh is parallel to the floor.
    -Push yourself up to go back to the initial position.
    -Repeat with the other leg.

  • Things To Keep In Mind:
    -Avoid leaning too much.
    -Balance your body weight properly.

6. Bench Dips

  • About: This exercise targets your triceps, chest muscles and front shoulders.

  • How To Do It:
    -Use an elevated surface like a bench.
    -Grip the bench with your palms with fingertips facing downwards.
    -Keeping your legs bent at the waist and perpendicular to your torso extend them forward.
    -Bend your elbows to 90 degrees and push yourself down while lowering your buttocks.
    -Lift your body back to the initial position while extending your arms.

  • Things To Keep In Mind:
    -You will need an elevated surface for this exercise.
    -Placing your elbows right is the key. 

7. Glute Kickback

  • About: Your core, butt and lower back are the three muscles that are targeted by this exercise which is also very beneficial for weight gain.

  • How To Do It:
    -With your hands in a press-down position, kneel on the floor.
    -Lift one of your legs upwards slowly in order to bring your hamstrings in line with your back.
    -During the move, squeeze your glutes and fully extend them for a second as you hold.
    -Return to the original position.
    -Repeat with the other leg.

  • Things To Keep In Mind:
    -This exercise is not for people with back pain.
    -Keep your back straight throughout. 

8. Burpees

  • About: This weight gain exercise is your full body workout. All the major muscle groups will be targeted by this exercise.

  • How To Do It:
    -Stand with your feet apart.
    -Squat and make sure your fingertips touch the floor.
    -Shift your weight on your hands as you place them on the floor.
    -Kick your legs out behind you and bring your chest closer to the floor.
    -Go back into a squat position.
    -Jump back up to the standing position.

  • Things To Keep In Mind:
    -Make sure you have properly warmed up before doing this exercise.
    -Keep your core tight. 

9. Deadlift

  • About: Along with helping you gain weight, a deadlift will also be beneficial in increasing overall muscle mass in your body.

  • How To Do It:
    -Stand straight with legs apart.
    -Bend over to grip the bar and keep shoulder-width distance between your hands.
    -Bend your knees such that the front part of your leg touches the bar.
    -Straighten up your back.
    -Inhale as you stand up with the weight.
    -Hold the weight for a few seconds.
    -Keep the weight down.

  • Things To Keep In Mind:
    -You will need a weighted bar for this exercise.
    -Do not begin with a heavyweight.
    -Do not bend your back to avoid serious back injuries. 

10. Bench Press

  • About: the best exercise not only for weight gain but also to help you strengthen your shoulder, chest and triceps. The bench press is a good option for bulking up.

  • How To Do It:
    -Lie down on your back on the bench or on the floor.
    -Hold the weighted bar.
    -Bring the bar to your chest as you lower your arms.
    -Slowly straighten your arms raising the bar.

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