Metabolism-boosting drinks for weight loss (with recipes), beverages that increase metabolism for weight loss (with recipes)


Metabolism-boosting drinks for weight loss (with recipes)

01How to boost metabolism for weight loss?

When it comes to weight loss, our metabolism plays a crucial role. If your metabolism is high or fast, then you're likely to burn more calories at rest and during exercise. On the contrary, if you have a slow metabolism, you won't burn the same amount of calories and weight loss will be difficult to achieve.

Basically, metabolism is the process by which the body converts food and drink into energy. The faster it is the quicker you'll burn fat and the slower it is, you'll burn fewer calories.

Some of the things that help boost metabolism are exercising, eating proper meals, having fat-burning foods and getting a good night's sleep. One of the most simple ways to increase your metabolism is by kickstarting your mornings with these metabolism-boosting drinks!

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02Chia-lemon water

Soak chia seeds in one cup of water for 1-2 hours. Pour the soaked chia seeds into a glass, squeeze a lemon into the drink and add 1/2 tsp honey into it. Stir and mix well and voila! Your chia lemonade is ready.

03Lemon-ginger water

Peel and grate ginger into small pieces. Toss into a blender and add water. Blend it well and pour into a glass. Next, add lime juice and roasted cumin powder. Stir well and drink up!

04Cumin-cinnamon water

In an electric kettle, add water along with 4 tsp cumin seeds and 2 pieces of cinnamon sticks. Let the water come to a boil so that the ingredients can seep in. Strain the water into a glass. Add lime juice and stir or drink the solution as it is.

05Green tea and mint drink

Pour hot water in a glass and add a green tea bag to it. Leave it in for 1 minute. Remove and discard the bad. Add mint leaves, lime juice, and honey and mix well. Serve the pudina green tea a.k.a. green tea and mint drink.

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