Weight loss story: "Using stairs in home and office helped me lose weight,” man shares after losing 13 kilos in 70 days


Weight loss story: "Using stairs in home and office helped me lose weight,” man shares after losing 13 kilos in 70 days

01​I weighed 83 Kgs..

A viral story on weight loss has got more than 32k views on question and answer platform, Quora.

An employee of the IT sector has shared on Quora that he lost 13 kilos in 70 days with just small habits. The details have been shared by the account “Himanshu Khandelwal”.

"I was weighing 83 Kgs and that’s the time when I decided to take the plunge in achieving fitness and my ideal weight," he writes.

"Since I was staying away from my family with flat mates, following an ideal diet plan was difficult for me. Hence I focused more on physical activity rather than following a strict diet schedule," he writes.

02​45 minutes of walking/ jogging/ running

His daily routine comprised waking up early at 5 am, having green tea, having a low impact exercise for 45 minutes and having an early dinner.

His diet was pretty basic, consisting of salad, half a sandwich and fruit juice for lunch and fruit salad, juice or a light meal of 2 chapatis and a vegetable for dinner. For breakfast he used to have oats.

03​Walking stairs helped him

He started using stairs. "My flat was at 8th floor and my office desk was at 5th. Hence I had pretty decent workout by just using the stairs," he says.

Walking stairs has proven benefit in weight loss. It increases leg power and helps maintain healthy bones, muscles and joints.

04​Diet control on weekends

"We did not hired a maid. Weekdays I used to get my diet managed thanks to office canteen but on weekends I mostly used to order from outside and hence my calorie consumption used to go up (sic)," he writes.

05​After hitting weight loss plateau...

In the long post, he also talks about the point where his got accustomed to weight loss plateau and how he overcame that.

"This term I came across when I started researching the reason for not losing weight once I hit 74 kgs. I figured out that my body got used to the routine and my routine needs to be changes to reduce weight again. For 2 weeks I tried different methods and then I saw the weight loss," he writes.

06​The takeaways

It is not necessary that one needs to enroll into heavy workouts in order to drop extra weight.

There is always a slow and steady way to achieve everything and weight loss is no exception to this.

Simple changes in lifestyle like adding more hours of physical activity and having a cleaner diet can help you a lot in getting rid of unwanted weight.

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