Easy and light dinner recipes for weight loss


Easy and light dinner recipes for weight loss

01​Light dinner ideas to try for dinner

If you are trying to lose weight, then modifying your dinner diet may work wonders. This is because dinner is the last meal of the day and the body's metabolic rate goes down, compared to that in the first half of the day. Therefore, it is advised to keep your dinner light and also eat it as early as possible, maximum by 8 in the evening.

02​Sabudana khichdi

-1 cup sabudana

-1/2 cup peanut

-2 tbsp ghee

-1 tsp cumin seeds

-3 to 4 whole dried red pepper

-1 sprig curry leave

03​Zucchini pasta

-2 tbsp olive oil

-1/2 yellow and 1/2 green zucchini

-2 green chilies

-3 to 4 cloves of garlic

-2 stalks spring onions

-6 to 8 cherry tomatoes

04​Oats idli

-2 1/2 cup oats

-1/2 tsp baking soda

-3 pinches salt

-1 tsp green chili

-1 tsp asafoetida

-2 tsp mustard seeds

05​Egg chaat

-3 boiled eggs

-1 tsp tomato chili sauce

-3 tsp tamarind extract

-1 tsp lemon juice

-1 tsp roasted cumin powder

-Salt to taste

06​Oats cheela

-1/2 Cup rolled oats

-1/2 cup peas

-1/2 inch Ginger

-2 to 3 Garlic cloves

-1 to 2 Green chillies

-1/2 tsp ajwain

-A pinch of hing

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