A List of 14 Types of Cardio Exercises to Get You Moving


A List of 14 Types of Cardio Exercises to Get You Moving

When most people think of cardiovascular (cardio) exercises, the first activities that come to mind are running, cycling, or swimming.

Yes, these are great ways to get your heart rate up, but not everyone enjoys them. Cardio should be a key part of your healthy lifestyle. Luckily, there’s no “one-size-fits-all” approach.

If you’re looking to incorporate more cardio into your exercise routine, don’t be intimidated by the seasoned marathon runners you see around your neighborhood. Heart-healthy workouts don’t have to involve spending hours on the treadmill. There are plenty of fun and creative ways to get your cardio in and actually enjoy it.

Why Do You Need Cardio in the First Place?

Cardio is defined as any type of exercise that gets your heart rate up and keeps it up for a prolonged period of time. Your respiratory system will start working harder as you begin to breathe faster and more deeply. Your blood vessels will expand to bring more oxygen to your muscles, and your body will release natural painkillers (endorphins).

The physical and mental benefits of this type of exercise are seemingly endless.

  • Manage your weight: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)Trusted Source say there’s extensive scientific evidence that 150 minutes of
    moderate-intensity cardio per week will help you maintain your weight over
  • Ward off heart diseaseResearchTrusted Source has shown that getting your
    heart rate up with regular cardio exercises can help prevent cardiovascular
    disease, which accounted for 32 percentTrusted Source of global deaths in 2012.
  • Mood improvement: It’s probably
    no surprise to you, but research supports the role that cardio exercise plays
    in improving your mood and increasing your happiness. Cardio ups the production
    of those feel-good painkillers called endorphins.
  • Live longer: The Mayo Clinic suggests that people who
    regularly perform cardio exercise will live longer.

Your Cardio Exercise Options

Think outside the box and try something new with these fun cardio options. The key to sticking with any successful workout plan is discovering an activity that you enjoy.

Once you find an exercise you love, you’ll be having so much fun that you’ll have to be reminded that you’re improving your health, too!

1. Jump Rope

Chances are, you haven’t jumped rope since 4th grade recess. If that’s the case, go get yourself a jump rope today! This form of cardio can be done just about anywhere. Turn up your favorite playlist and jump to the beat. Tossing your jump rope in a backpack, suitcase, or purse will help you squeeze in your 150 minutes of exercise per week whenever you have some spare time.

2. Dancing

Whether or not you think you have two left feet, dancing is a great way to blow off some steam while also getting your cardio in. You may think that dancing’s limited to Zumba classes, but what’s keeping you from simply dancing around your room? Crank the tunes and dance yourself silly.

3. Organized Sports

You may not think of yourself as a “sports person,” but there are tons of adult sports leagues out there that are full of people just like you — people who want to have fun and be healthy. Sign up for soccer, flag football, basketball, or whatever suits your fancy. Running around a field or court is guaranteed to increase your heart rate. Check your community for noncompetitive sports leagues. Maybe you’ll even make a new friend while you’re at it!

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