Benefits of Tadasana · 1. Improves Your Posture · 2. May Help Increases Height · 3. Boosts Mental Awareness · 4. Improves Breathing · 5. Promotes Weight Loss .....


Benefits of Tadasana

Here are some of the benefits you’ll derive once you start practising Tadasana.

Benefits of Tadasana

Here are some of the benefits you’ll derive once you start practising Tadasana.

1. Improves Your Posture

If you have the tendency to hunch or slouch, then practising Tadasana can be of help. When you do this asana and do it regularly, you will notice that the back pain you felt will go away. You will learn to stand tall naturally and your posture will improve.

2. May Help Increases Height

If you start practising this pose early on and stick to it, you can end up gaining a few extra inches. Yes, this asana helps increase height. If it’s too late for you now, you can ask your children to start practising Tadasana.

3. Boosts Mental Awareness

Yoga is not just about movement but meditation too. This pose helps you connect to your deeper consciousness and expands your mental awareness. You will feel more alert, calm, and composed.

4. Improves Breathing

Clogged up lungs or being unable to breathe properly is one of the modern-day issues we face. Tadasana opens up your lungs and lets you breathe deeply. This ends up clearing your lungs too.

5. Promotes Weight Loss

If you’ve been trying to lose weight but haven’t succeeded yet, try Tadasana. Your metabolism will improve and you will burn calories faster.

6. Boosts Energy Levels

Another benefit of the mountain pose is that it helps boost energy levels. This is because it rejuvenates the mind, body, and soul.

7. Improves Your Mood

If you’ve had a bad day, then practise Tadasana. It can help beat depression and strengthen the nervous system. Your memory will improve and you’ll be able to focus on matters that need attention.

8. Provides Relief From Sciatica

If you’ve got sciatica, Tadasana will help provide relief from the pain. And it also helps prevent it from happening in the future.

How to Practise the Mountain Pose

If you’re wondering how to do Tadasana the right way, read on. We’ll tell you how to perform tadasana:

1. In a Standing Position

Here’s how to do it in the standing position:

  • Stand on a yoga mat; your feet should be slightly apart.
  • Your hands should be alongside your body.
  • Inhale deeply and slowly raise your arms upwards then interlock your fingers.
  • Raise your heels and stand on your toes. Your toes should be fanned out a little.
  • Feel your body stretching. Look up.
  • Place your body weight on your toes and stretch out your shoulders, arms, and chest up.
  • Hold this pose for a few moments.
  • Exhale and return to the starting position.

2. In a Supine Position

This supine mountain pose is also known as the Supta Tadasana. Read the steps below to learn how to do the Reclined Mountain Pose.

  • Lie down a yoga mat and place a towel under the crown of your head straight and use two to three blankets as props that you can use below your knees.
  • Now lie down and recline using these props to restore your natural arch.
  • Now raise your arms and take them above your shoulders. Stay in this position for five or ten minutes.
  • Inhale and exhale for six counts each and get up slowly.

Precautions to Take While Doing Tadasana

If you have never performed this asana before, you must practise it with caution. Here are some precautions you will need to take while practising this asana.

  • Don’t do this pose if you suffer from insomnia.
  • If you experience a headache, stop immediately.
  • If you take any blood thinning medications or have low blood pressure, avoid doing this pose without consulting a doctor.

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