Anulom Vilom benefits

Potential Anulom Vilom benefits

As you gain more awareness and control over your breathing, you may find that it has an immediate calming effect.

There are many potential benefits. Some specific claims are backed by research, but some have not been fully studied.

Practicing Anulom Vilom breathing first thing in the morning may help you start your day in a better place. In the evening, it can also serve as a relaxation method to promote better sleep.

There’s also evidence that alternate nostril breathing can benefit your brain as well as your respiratory and cardiovascular systems. It’s shown to reduce stress, too. These are changes that can affect every aspect of your health and well-being.

Your respiratory system

Yoga breathing practices may improve lung function and endurance, according to a small 2017 study.

This research involved competitive swimmers who used alternate nostril breathing along with two other breathing practices. Participants did 30 minutes worth of breathing exercises 5 days a week for 1 month.

A 2019 literature review of 68 studies found that yogic breathing is an effective way to enhance lung function.

Other research from 2013 showed that Anulom Vilom breathing for 30 minutes a day can improve rhinosinusitis, or sinus inflammation. This condition interferes with your ability to drain mucus from your nose and sinuses.

Your brain

In a randomized controlled trialTrusted Source from 2013, 96 medical students were divided into two groups for 6 weeks. One group performed Anulom Vilom and Bhastrika, another type of pranayama. The other group performed Surya Namaskar, also known as the Sun Salutation.

Both groups improved their general well-being, but only the pranayama group saw significant improvements in cognition and anxiety.

A 2019 literature review suggested that various types of yogic breathing could benefit neurocognitive, psychophysiological, biochemical, and metabolic functions in healthy people.

Your cardiovascular system

Studies from 2011 and 2013 found that alternate nostril breathing had a positive impact on cardiovascular function, lowering blood pressure and heart rate.

Your skin

There are many anecdotal claims that Anulom Vilom breathing is good for the skin. Skin is the largest organ of the body and — like your respiratory and cardiovascular systems — it can also be affected by stress.

It’s possible that your skin will reap some reward from breathing exercises, though there’s a lack of research to support this specific claim.

Your eyes

There’s little in the way of research on Anulom Vilom breathing and eyesight. It is known, however, that eye health depends on a good supply of oxygen.

Alternate nostril breathing can improve respiratory and cardiovascular health, so it may provide some benefit for your eyes too.

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