what are 6 genral good health habbit


6 general good health habit

1. Keep Moving

“The Body Thrives on Movement,” explains Bill Nurge, MA, exercise physiologist and personal trainer in Ketchum, Idaho. We are made to move. Movement is critical for loading the bones and the muscles and for maintaining bone and muscle density. When we stop moving, we get stiff and lose muscle mass, range of motion, bone density, and balance—which can have disastrous consequences. You don’t need to be a fitness junkie or a superstar athlete to stay healthy, but you do need to keep moving.Nurge insists that variety is the key. We use our bodies in a variety of ways, so our exercise regimen should reflect that. “The more types of movement you do and the more varied the stimuli, the deeper your fitness will be,” he says. “Add different modalities that hit the body in different ways from different angles.”

Nurge recommends doing tri-planar exercises—those that move the body in all three planes of motion simultaneously. “The body doesn’t work in isolation,” he explains. “Do multijoint, total-body movements that work the body, force you to balance, and take the muscles through a range of motion.”

If this sounds complicated, it doesn’t have to be. In fact, Nurge jokes that it’s as simple as revisiting our youthful days on the jungle gym. “The jungle gym will keep you young with all that pushing, pulling, and twisting,” he says. But you don’t have to become a regular at the local playground to stay fit; just look for activities that force you to move in different directions and keep you accelerating and decelerating. For some people this could mean a soccer match, a game of tennis, or a specialized fitness class; others might enjoy walking, swimming, or playing with their children or grandchildren. Most important is to find activities you enjoy so that you’re more likely to continue to participate.Movement doesn’t have to be exercise or drudgery—just incorporate variety and play into your daily routine. Keep it interesting. Vary the intensity, type, and duration of movement and focus on balance, stabilization, and mobilization. To stay healthy, maintain strength and balance, and prevent the risk of debilitating falls in older age, get moving and stay moving. If you have a sedentary job that keeps you at a desk all day, be sure to incorporate movement into your workday by getting up from your desk frequently. Take the stairs or take a brisk walk around the block at lunch—just keep moving.

“It’s use it or lose it when it comes to muscles, bones, and the nervous system,” Nurge says. “Don’t stop moving. Do something every day.”

2. Eat Well

You’ve Heard It Before, and that’s because it’s true: good nutrition is critical to optimal health. But good nutrition does not have to mean diet deprivation. You don’t have to go hungry or follow the latest fad diet to maintain health. Instead, choose real, nutrient-dense foods on a consistent basis. If it sounds simple, that’s because it is.

Katie Carter, a certified holistic nutrition consultant from Nevada City, California, takes the mystery out of nutrition. She says optimal nutrition starts with organic, local, seasonal produce—and diversity. “We get different nutrients from different foods, so we don’t want to eat the same thing every day,” she explains.Carter takes a simple approach to food, focusing on the basics. “Start with the building blocks of nutrition: vegetables,” she suggests. Those building blocks should compose the majority of your diet. In fact, Carter recommends that your full plate be two-thirds low-glycemic vegetables (and maybe a small amount of starchy vegetables or grains) and one-third animal or vegetable protein.

In addition to vegetables, it’s important to focus on healthy fats, cultured and fermented foods to promote healthy digestive flora, and high-quality protein, preferably pasture-raised or wild caught. Avoid sugar and trans fats, limit consumption of omega-6 fatty acids, and use caffeine and alcohol only in moderation.

And, Carter says, it’s not just what we eat, but how. “Eating habits are equally important as food choices,” she insists. In fact, she has her own toolbox of important “vitamins” that she recommends for healthy eating habits: vitamin P for pleasure, vitamin T for time, and vitamin O for oxygen. She says it’s important to sit down and take the time to enjoy our food while we’re eating. Oxygen is especially important because it helps stoke a healthy digestive fire and get the metabolism to burn efficiently—so taking deep breaths between bites is essential.

The bottom line: what you eat and how you eat can have lasting consequences for your health. Choose wisely and nourish your body with nutrient-dense foods.

Simple lifestyle changes can make a big difference in disease prevention and overall health

Some of the most powerful small steps you can take toward a healthier lifestyle and disease prevention involve changes to your diet and eating patterns. But with the tremendous amount of information available about what and what not to eat, deciding how to modify your diet can be confusing. To put it all in perspective, consider these healthy-eating priorities for cancer prevention and overall good health. (1)

  • Eat seven to 10 servings of fruit and vegetables per day. Fruits and vegetables are high in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other compounds that work together to protect your body from many cancers. They are also low in calories, so when you eat the recommended quantity, you may eat fewer calories overall. In addition to fighting cancer, you might lose weight!
  • Eat more whole grains. Whole grains contain higher amounts of fiber, which act as a broom in the gastrointestinal tract, sweeping away environmental containments that are in our food and water. Fiber slows down digestion and produces less of an insulin response, thereby decreasing overall inflammation in the body. Fiber also makes you feel satiated longer, helping you eat less.
  • Reduce your intake of red and processed meats. Eat less than 12 ounces per week of beef, pork, and lamb. Eliminate processed meats such as hot dogs, lunchmeats, and bacon as much as possible. The sodium and the additives in these meats are undesirable in a healthy diet, and the saturated fat content is usually higher and contributes to heart disease.
  • Limit alcohol. To decrease cancer risk and help maintain a healthy weight, women should have no more than one drink per day, men two. A drink is equal to 5 ounces of wine, 1.5 ounces of hard liquor, or 12 ounces of beer.
  • Consume more vegetable sources of protein. Try to eat three to seven meals per week that contain vegetarian protein choices such as beans, lentils, soy, and nuts. These foods have less contamination and more fiber than animal proteins and are either free of or very low in saturated fat, so they’re heart-healthy as well.
  • Eat less refined sugar. The more refined sugar in our diet, the more of an insulin response our bodies have. Higher insulin levels are associated with disease-promoting inflammation in the body. Limit refined sugar to less than 25 grams per day.

Now that you are aware of the priorities for a healthy diet, the challenge is to make changes to your eating habits that will last. If it seems overwhelming, remember that every change in life begins with a single step. Taking one small step toward a healthier lifestyle today can help you reap big rewards tomorrow.

Why advocate small steps instead of a major overhaul? Because drastic change leads to failure 75 percent of the time. Kaizen, a concept built on the premise of small steps, shows that small changes are doable, not daunting. In fact, small steps are proven to help people achieve success with sustainable change.

Kaizen works because it breaks down the brain’s resistance to change and decreases the fear that change is associated with the perception of deprivation or discomfort. Kaizen’s small steps do not register any significant change that we view as a threat, so when small steps are taken, our fear is bypassed. The brain becomes engaged in logical and creative thinking, which leads to the achievement of our goals. After practicing a small step for 30 days, the behavior becomes a habit. Sticking to the small-steps concept will give you more confidence and allow you to move on to bigger goals toward healthier eating, which will further improve your health. For example, eating one extra piece of fruit per day will account for 365 pieces in one year. That’s a lot more fiber and antioxidants than before!

Work out a strategy for eating healthier and take control of your health. Start with just two small steps at a time to improve your eating. After 30 days of practice, move on to two more. If you find that you are not successful with those two steps, choose smaller steps. Sometimes you may need to ask yourself questions to find a different route to be successful. The small steps may seem trivial at first, but you will get there by seeking out ways to continually improve your eating. When you veer off track and swap your lunch salad for a burger, remember the old Japanese proverb: Fall down seven times, get up eight.

Simple Steps Toward Healthy Eating

  • Add 1 tablespoon of ground flaxseed to yogurt, cereal, or rice per day.
  • Ask for double tomatoes when ordering a sandwich.
  • When dining out and eating bread before your meal, ask for double vegetables and hold the potatoes.
  • Add canned beans instead of animal protein to a salad for lunch once or twice a week.
  • Choose a vegetarian pasta meal once per week instead of one high in meat and cheese.
  • Take only two bites of dessert instead of eating a whole serving.
  • Limit alcohol intake to the weekend only.

3. Manage Stress

Stress is an inevitable—even healthy— part of life. A little bit of short-term stress has actually been shown to sharpen our cognitive skills and strengthen our immune system; long-term, chronic stress, however, can really take a toll on our health, compromising our sleep, immune system, physical health, and emotional well-being.

We’ll never live in a world that’s completely stress-free, but we can learn to navigate our stress-filled world with ease so that we live with stress, not under it. In fact, Patrick Hanna, PhD, a licensed psychologist in private practice in Erie, Pennsylvania, says the key to managing stress is learning to adapt. He explains that we all have a limited amount of adaptive energy, which is the energy we need to adapt to stress. This adaptive energy is like a savings account: when we’re under stress, we make a withdrawal from our adaptive-energy account. But, just like with a savings account, if we continue to make withdrawal after withdrawal, eventually we’re going to get into trouble. We have to make some deposits as well.

So, how do you make deposits into your adaptive-energy account? It’s simple: do things that are enjoyable and help sustain you. If you’re experiencing mild stress, you may want to engage in calming activities such as meditation, prayer, tai chi, yoga, or deep breathing. If your tension level is high, Dr. Hanna says it’s important to do things that are more physically expressive and involve gross motor movement. “If you calm the body down, the mind will calm down,” he explains. He suggests doing any kind of activity that involves the legs because that’s the largest muscle mass and will help release the most tension. This could mean going for a vigorous walk, run, or bike ride.

Dr. Hanna says another important way of adapting and managing stress is to get your “sea legs” under you. He uses the analogy of standing in the ocean and bracing for the impact of an oncoming wave: if you lock your knees and stand firm, you’re going down. On the other hand, if you bend your knees and move with the wave, you’ll stay upright. In other words, life can sometimes be like that giant wave, and if we go with the flow, it won’t knock us down. “It’s about your attitude and the way you approach the world,” he explains. “If you bring your focus back into yourself and you work with the wave—or life— instead of against it, you’ll be standing.”

4. Get Screened

It’s no secret that one of the best ways to maintain health is to prevent illness from occurring in the first place. Regular checkups and screening exams are critical for preventing illness or catching it early, when it is most treatable.

Daniel O’Brien, DO, a physician with Clinica Family Health Services in Lafayette, Colorado, says preventive screening is imperative. “One of the most important things women can do is get their cholesterol and blood pressure checked regularly,” Dr. O’Brien says. “Heart attack is still the number one killer of women, and to prevent that it’s important to avoid smoking and maintain low blood pressure and healthy cholesterol levels.”

In addition, Dr. O’Brien says regular Pap tests, mammograms, and colonoscopies are important. The timing and the frequency of these screening tests will vary based on your age and level of risk. Women with a family history of breast or colon cancer may need to begin screening earlier than average-risk women.

5. Build Community

“By our nature we’re social beings,” Dr. Hanna explains. “We need connection with people.” In fact, a sense of community is vital to our spiritual and emotional health. Building community is one of the most important things you can do to take care of yourself—your whole self. A community provides a sense of belonging and allows us to feel like we are a part of—rather than apart from—something.

“The need for connectedness varies from person to person,” Dr. Hanna explains. “Introverts may need less, and extroverts may need more.” It’s not about the numbers, though—it’s about authentic connection.

There are countless ways to build community. Some people enjoy one-on-one activities, such as sharing a meal or taking a walk. Others may choose to join a church, a club, or a sports team. What’s important is finding that sense of community. Whatever your method, once you start tapping into a consistent feeling of gratitude, you’ll start to notice just how much you truly have to be grateful for.

6. Maintain Your Brain

Maintaining cognitive function is critical to aging well, maintaining independence, and staying happy. In the past crossword puzzles have received all the glory for helping us maintain cognitive function as we age, but now we know that there is no single magic bullet. In fact, the key to maintaining cognitive function may be a combination of several other healthy habits: moving, eating plenty of omega-3 fatty acids, and staying social.

Dr. Hanna says that movement is important for mood and cognitive function. “When we keep the body active and stimulated, we stay sharper,” he says. In fact, research has indicated that regular moderate exercise can increase cognitive functioning and reduce the likelihood of cognitive impairment.1,2

Staying social is important, too. If you want to stay vibrant and sharp as you age, remain involved in your social network. Several studies have indicated that frequent social activity may help prevent or delay cognitive decline in old age.3 In fact, one study found that social inactivity appeared to lead to cognitive impairment, whereas a vibrant social life seemed to reduce the rate of cognitive decline.4 The research validates what many of us seem to know intuitively: we need each other. We are social creatures by nature, and it turns out that this social activity does more than help us feel connected and uplifted— it stimulates complex thinking.

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